Wanted: Student Guest Articles

NFReads.com is an online publication dedicated to all things interesting, informative and inspiring, and has featured articles by and interviews with guests ranging from best-selling authors and award-winning filmmakers to leading professors, scientists, politicians and more!

If you’re a student (high school level and up) submissions are open for guest articles intended to showcase fresh perspectives on a variety of topics from a generation that will one day be running the world, while providing you with an opportunity to get journalistic experience, exposure and a great resume item.


Your best writing comes from covering what you know and love, so articles can be on nearly any topic including (but not limited to):

– Family and Relationships
– Beauty and Fashion
– Arts, Photography, Film, Music
– Food and Cooking
– Home and Garden
– Crafts and Hobbies
– Sports and Outdoors
– Pets and Animals

…or anything you’re passionate about, knowledgeable in or experienced with.


The only restrictions are that articles:

– Are family-safe and contain nothing adult-themed (including things like pregnancy, alcohol, etc.), illegal, hateful, political, religious or excessively controversial
– Are not copied/stolen/plagiarized
– Have not been and will not be published anywhere else, including on your own blog or website
– Are at least 600 words in length


Articles must include a byline at the top (pseudonyms are fine) and can include any combination of education, knowledge, skills or qualifications, e.g.

– By Jane Doe, 2nd year BA English student and photography club member at FSU
– By John Smith, participant in the Northern California highschool chess team

Send your article or article idea(s) to [email protected] – we’ll get in touch with you (usually within a week, so please check your spam folder too) and if you sent an article and it was approved it will already have been published by then.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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